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Is there any way to see a list of CCs you have assigned on your midi controller in Control Surface Studio?

Submitted by cbeeching on Tue, 11/30/2021 - 14:00
Control Surface Studio User

Hi I've just started using control surface studio and been pretty pleased with it so far!

I'm using the editor mostly with a virtual reality app called "MoveMusic', and so the controller I am using is not a physical one with fixed controls. It works really well, but I'm finding the editor a little cumbersome to see which CC/note numbers I've used so far, as I'm sort of mapping out the controller at the same I do in the virtual reality app.

Is there any way to see which CC/Note numbers you have used in a controller without individually going into each button's settings?

I appreciate I'm using the editor in a way that perhaps it's not intended but would be great if you could display the number as an overlay on the buttons visually, or in the list at the left hand side where it says button 1, 2, 3 etc.. (have attached a screenshot to demonstrate what I mean!)

Also is there any way to move more than one element around in the editor at once? I was hoping that the container would act as a group but I can't seem to figure out a way.

Cheers, going to have a lot of fun with this editor for sure!

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