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Display Assigned Controlls

Submitted by markgb on Tue, 01/11/2022 - 21:05
Control Surface Studio User

I've manually created n InstantMappings configuration which works fine. But, Ableton doesn't display which Encoders become automatically assigned to which parameters.

Does CSS offer a way to take my InstantMappings config and add functionality to display which Encoders are assigned to what?


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2 Responses


Forum Admin

Not sure if this is 100% what you're after but may help...

Here's a script which outputs the names of each parameter in the selected device: https://remotify.io/ableton-midi-script/log-device-parameter-names
Note: you can import it directly inside Control Surface Studio by going to the script manager > import section and importing the script 'Log Device Parameter Names'

Control Surface Studio User

Thanks for the info!