The Mapping Type Page

You will arrive on this page after clicking the ‘Add a New Mapping’ Button on the Mapping List page. Here you can select the type of Mapping you want to add to your Remote Script. They’re split into 4 types, Track Navigation, Mixer, Device & Transport.

Mode & shift

  • Mode button: activate a mode
  • Shift button: momentarily activate a different mode, previous mode will re-activate upon release of the button.


  • Volume: control the mixer volume of a track
  • Mute: turn a track’s mute button on/off
  • Solo: solo/unsolo a track
  • Arm: Arm/disarm a track
  • Pan: pan a track to the left or right
  • Send: Control a track’s Send Parameters


  • Session Box (the red box): add a box to activate clips, set the width & height (tracks & scenes). Also assign mappings for scene launch, track stop & stop all.
  • Session Navigation: move your Session box up/down/left/right.

Selected Track Navigation

  • Track Left: move the currently highlighted track left
  • Track Right: move the currently highlighted track right


  • Device Parameter: Select 1 of 8 parameters of the currently selected Device
  • Next Device: Move to the next Device in the currently selected Device Chain
  • Previous Device: Move to the previous Device in the currently selected Device Chain
  • Device Chain Number: move to a specific Device number in the currently selected Device Chain or on a specific track’s Device Chain.
  • Device Bank Up: Bank up to the next set of parameters if the current Device has them.
  • Device Bank Down: Bank down to the next set of parameters.


  • Stop: stops playback
  • Play: starts playback
  • Fast forward: fast forward play back
  • Rewind: Rewinds playback
  • Nudge Up: slightly speed up your song temporarily i.e. good for syncing with external sources such as other equipment or when djing
  • Nudge Down: same as nudge up but slows your song down temporarily
  • Record: turn record on/off to record audio or automation
  • Tap Tempo: Adjust the tempo of the song by tapping a button
  • Loop: Turn looping on/off
  • Punch In: Set punch-in point
  • Punch out: Set punch-out point
  • Metranome: Turn the metranome on/off
  • Overdub: Turn overdubbing on/off
  • Tempo Control: adjust the song tempo
  • Tempo Fine Control: Adjust the song tempo using smaller increments

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midi remote script?