Over the last 6 months, our development team has been hard at work, completely overhauling the Control Surface Studio user interface, in order to do one thing… To give you a much smoother and intuitive MIDI remote script building experience.
Based on feedback from our amazing community of users, we’ve rebuilt the entire User Interface from the ground up, removing unnecessary complexities along the way.
The result is a hugely streamlined workflow, much quicker and clear for new users while improving its stability and script/template organisation.
You’ll love how easy it is to build your own completely custom MIDI remote scripts, specific to your own needs without needing to write code.
Whether you’re a first-time user or experienced pro with Control Surface Studio, we’re confident that this version will help you to build exactly what you need!
Note: For Mac users, the app now comes in 2 versions, for Macs using the old Intel chip and Macs using the newer M1/M2 chips. Please ensure you use the correct one!
What’s new in version 2.8:
Complete rebuild of the user interface
- Workflow improvements for creating Ableton scripts
- Totally new layout for script and template management
New Homepage Overview
- Four new tabs: ‘My Scripts’, ‘My Controller Templates’, ‘On Remotify’, ‘Tutorials’
- ‘My Scripts’ manages MIDI remote scripts
- ‘My Controller Templates’ for controller templates
- ‘On Remotify’ imports pre-made scripts and controller templates
- ‘Tutorials’ provides links to all available tutorials
Scripts and Controller Templates
- ‘My Scripts’ tab enables addition, import, duplication, deletion, and export of scripts
- Scripts can be opened in the new ‘script editor’ view
- ‘My Controller Templates’ mirrors ‘My Scripts’ in functionality but for controller templates
- Each controller template displays any scripts which are currently using it
Script Editor
- Similar two-column layout to previous versions, but with changes
- Script manager on left, controller template manager on right
- New log section as an extra panel in bottom right
- Errors from Ableton Live displayed in red, log messages in green
- Latest received MIDI messages, display in a panel in the bottom left corner.(last received MIDI data and connected all MIDI controllers)
- MIDI learn can be turned on and off here too
Script Manager Overview
- From the top: close editor button, open app settings, script name, button to access extra script settings (writing notes, changing global feedback)
- Save button replaces autosave, lights up when there’s a change in the script
- Button to generate the script into Ableton Live, successful addition displays the script’s saved file location
- Controller template menu for selecting and adding new controller templates
Mappings Table
- Separate ‘Modes’ and ‘Mappings’ options
- Add a mapping menu filters mapping types and opens settings form for each mapping type
- Track mapping types and device mapping types can be directly selected, removing old hierarchy of adding track selectors, device selectors
- Options for deleting, duplicating, importing, and exporting mappings
- Rearrange mappings with drag and drop
- Filter mappings
Controller Template Manager
- Several new features including changing the controller template name, save button, and settings menu with extra options
- Bulk adding, deleting, and editing of inputs
- Option to duplicate selected inputs and see a list of all selected inputs
- Show/hide the Grid, Zoom in and out, directly from the toolbar,
- Selected inputs can be exported to a JS file
- Inputs can be imported directly into the controller template
- Inputs can be directly resized by clicking and dragging the bottom right corner of the input
Input settings accessed through clicking the pencil icon - MIDI data is now displayed alongside input name on hover
- Click and drag to select multiple inputs
- Controller templates can be edited without the script, changes applied to any scripts using the template
Configuration Files
- Control Surface Studio 2.8 and up uses a new folder to store config/json files. (Control Surface Studio 2.8 in your OS user folder)
>>> Download the latest version of Control Surface Studio here <<<<