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Session Box and Track parameters

Submitted by Ky Takikawa on Fri, 12/17/2021 - 20:17
Ky Takikawa
Pro User
Control Surface Studio User

Hey John, thanks for getting around on the forums answering questions.

I saw an old post that was solved with reactions V1 but I couldnt quite port over the solution to the V2 reactions.

I have that same 1x4 session box and I have 4 buttons that I would like to use to select tracks 1-4 relative to the session box.
How would I set that up with reactions?

Also, im still wondering what the solution is for recording indefinite lengths when setting a reaction using the 'clip slot - fire'
I cant seem to find a value that will allow me to record until I press the button again.

Thanks in advance!

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1 Responses


Forum Admin

Hi Ky,

Track select relative to position of session box can be done with reactions v2 like this:
Listener: select the button you want to use
Action: select 'script > set selected track'
For the action's 'number' parameter, select custom code using the arrow on the right.
Then enter: self.get_sessbox_track_offset()
This will select the first track in the session box
Then for each track, include 1.
So track 2 would be: self.get_sessbox_track_offset() + 1
track 3 would be: self.get_sessbox_track_offset() + 2
track 4 self.get_sessbox_track_offset() + 3
And so on...

Remember to add a session box in your mode too :)
I've attached a script with 4 reactions to select each track - make sure to re-select the buttons in each listener.

For clip fire without fixed length, switch to custom code and remove anything inside the brackets so it looks like this: