When working on your custom MIDI remote scripts, being able to quickly see changes in Ableton can greatly speed up your workflow… Back in Ableton Live 10, reloading the current Ableton session would ...
MIDI controllers and keyboards are awesome tools for physically controlling and manipulating the sounds, effects, and parameters that you use in your music productions. MIDI controllers and keyboards come in a variety of ...
Ableton Live’s MIDI mapping is an essential tool, but it can be confusing to a new comer of Ableton or even music production in general. Today we’re going to go through everything you ...
When software ‘normalizes’ a piece of audio, it finds the loudest point in the audio (or ‘peak’). If the peak is -3db for example, normalizing will bring the entire audio recording up by 3db, ...
It can be pretty challenging to cancel out all background noise while recording. Hiss from your audio interface, hum from the computer’s fan, guitar buzz, microphone noise, or general surrounding commotion can ruin ...
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